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Freud Café Canada

Freud Café Canada

Between Hours/Interdisciplinary Dialogues, Toronto Psychoanalytic Society in collaboration with Community Bridges, Canadian Psychoanalytic Society presents:

FREE public talks on psychoanalytic ideas by Canadian psychoanalysts with an open discussion about their impact on our lives today.

Freud Café - The Revolt against Mourning: The Outlawing of Grief and the Road to Social Violence, Vengeance and War

The Revolt against Mourning: The Outlawing of Grief and the Road to Social Violence, Vengeance and War

Online Event

Join us for an informal talk by Arthur Leonoff in conversation with Gordon Yanchyshyn.

Saturday, October 26, 2024: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm (ET) / 9:30 am – 11:00 am (PT)

** A free online event via Zoom. Preregistration is required.
Please RSVP by email to Registration closes one week prior to the event.

Always a ghost and never an ancestor, the collective mind is haunted by societal losses that are effaced and never mourned. It is the negative of mourning—lost ideals emerging as delusions of grandeur, a stolen destiny, with vengeful needs to reclaim the past glory that never was.

Arthur Leonoff, PhD is a psychologist and a Supervising & Training analyst with the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society, a recipient of the Citation of Merit, and an Honorary member of the American Psychoanalytic Association.

Gordon Yanchyshyn, MD is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in private practice.  He is a member of the teaching faculty at the Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis; and a teacher, supervisor and candidate analyst at the Toronto Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis.

With Elizabeth Wallace, MD, psychoanalyst, moderating.

Previous Presentations from The Freud Café

May 31, 2024 – Are you Empathic?

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January 20, 2024 – The Leader’s Hypnotic Influence and the Creation of Alternate Reality

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November 18, 2023 – Life and Death in the Metaverse

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May 13, 2023 – Shakespeare’s Prefiguring of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Reverie: The Dream within the Dream

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September 8, 2022 – Propaganda and the Lies We Tell Ourselves

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March 5, 2022 – A Freud Café Dialogue in an Age of Bewilderment

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October 29, 2021 – The Freud Café Fright Night – “And Things That Go Bump in the Night…” (& why we love them)

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April 7, 2021 – Why the Couch? Psychoanalysis: From Freud to the Digital Age

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April 12, 2017 – Hold Me: In Mind & in Reality

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March 27, 2017 – Love, Relationships and Gender in the Times of Social Media

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January 30, 2017 – In the Beginning was the Name: The Language of the Unconscious

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November 23, 2016 – Psychoanalysis and Mysticism: Friends or Foes?

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September 12, 2016 – The Traumatic Loneliness of Children

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June 1, 2016 – Why do we Need to Remember our Dreams?

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May 2, 2016 – Coupling: A psychoanalytic point of view

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March 21, 2016 – The Psychology of Sport / The Psychoanalysis of Hockey

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September 28, 2015 – Of Human Bondage and Jokes

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May 21, 2015 – Whose unconscious is it anyway? – A user’s guide, from Freud to more recent ideas about the unconscious

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March 19, 2015 – Sibling Rivalry in Jane Austen’s Fiction, a psychoanalytic reading

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January 29, 2015 – Hostile and Malignant Prejudice: Or Why it May be Easier to Hate Your Neighbour

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November 13, 2014 – On Guilt and Conscience: Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents — A Kleinian Re-View

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September 23, 2014 – Oedipus, Aristotle and Freud

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May 22, 2014 – Freud and Plato: Plato’s Anticipations of Freud’s Psychology of Dreams in the Republic

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