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Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis

Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis

About the TIP

The Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis offers an intensive and comprehensive program in theoretical and clinical psychoanalysis, with an emphasis upon learning how to work with the unconscious.

The TIP is the only psychoanalytic training program in Toronto that qualifies its graduates for membership in both the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society (CPS) and the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA). The latter was founded by Freud and is the world’s primary accrediting and regulatory body for psychoanalysis.

Graduation from the TIP and membership in the CPS and the IPA provide portability: one’s credentials as a psychoanalyst are recognized by IPA Institutes and Societies world-wide, and one’s membership is easily transferred. In addition, membership provides access to a wide range of scientific and clinical seminars and conferences—locally (the monthly scientific meetings of the TPS, the Annual Day in Psychoanalysis, the Annual Day in Applied Psychoanalysis), nationally, and internationally.

Members and candidates are subscribed to and encouraged to contribute their writings to The Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis / Revue canadienne de psychanalyse.


Toronto became one of the early centres of international psychoanalytical activity in 1908 when Ernest Jones came here to live, teach, and practise. It was from Toronto that he contributed his considerable influence to the founding of the American Psychoanalytic Association.

After Jones’s departure in 1913, psychoanalysis was not represented in Toronto until 1954, but in the following decade training was offered and undertaken by several psychiatrists in conjunction with the psychoanalytic teaching then available in Montreal.

With the founding of the Canadian Institute of Psychoanalysis in 1960, a series of initiatives from Toronto led to the naming of a committee in 1966 to set minimum standards for the establishment of autonomous branches. Its proposals were unanimously accepted at a special general meeting in May 1967, and in June 1969 an Ontario Branch of the Canadian Institute of Psychoanalysis was formed, as were two Branches in Montreal. In the autumn of that year a class of candidates began the first complete program of training in psychoanalysis to be offered in Ontario.

In 1979 the Ontario Branch became the Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis while retaining its status as a branch of the Canadian Institute of Psychoanalysis.

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