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ATPPP Curriculum

The objective of the ATPPP curriculum is to help Trainees develop a sophisticated understanding of the clinical techniques and theoretical complexities of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Two seminars are combined each evening for a duration of three hours, over more than thirty weeks, for two years. One seminar focuses on the theoretical knowledge base; the second seminar is clinically based, providing an opportunity to clarify and refine theoretical concepts. Assigned readings constitute an important part of the seminars. Some alterations may be made to the seminar format.

Download the Application form here or from the tab link above. The form includes a section you can use for your references.

Getting Started – Introduction to Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 8 sessions
Development 8 sessions
Assessment and Diagnosis 4 sessions
Core Concepts in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (Freud) 12 sessions
Technique in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 12 sessions
Kleinian Additions to Core Concepts 4 sessions
Ego Psychology 4 sessions
Interpersonal, Culturistic and Relational Perspectives 4 sessions
Object Relations Theory 8 sessions
Continuous Case Study 8 sessions
Winnicott’s Additions to Core Concepts 4 sessions
Self Psychology and Intersubjective Perspectives 4 sessions
Continuous Case Study 8 sessions
Personality/Character Types in the Clinic 10 sessions
Transference/Counter-transference 10 sessions
Dreams in the Clinic 4 sessions
Sexualities and Gender Identities 4 sessions
Trauma and Loss 4 sessions
Cultural Diversity 2 sessions
Boundaries and Confidentiality 2 sessions
Impasses 2 sessions
Self-Harm 2 sessions
Addictions 2 sessions
Psychosis 2 sessions
Termination 2 sessions
Research, Process and Outcome in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 4 sessions

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