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110 Comparative Psychotherapies – 2 seminars

Seminar Leaders: C. Dunbar and C. Lunney

Course Description

This 3-hour course will cover ten major psychotherapies (including CBT, DBT, IPT, Integrative Psychotherapy, Mindfulness, Supportive vs. Expressive Psychotherapy, EMDR, Family and Marital Psychotherapy, Group Psychotherapy, Expressive Psychotherapies). The candidates will understand what these methods are, how they claim to work, and for which patients they are appropriate, and whether we combine aspects of them with psychoanalytic treatment. The understanding is also conveyed that psychoanalytic treatment is not suitable for all patients. Clinical examples will be given to illustrate how the decisions about appropriate therapies might be made.

Course Objectives

Candidate will:

  1. Gain knowledge of the key concepts common to all psychotherapy practice (1.3), and be able to compare and contrast the different psychotherapy modalities. The candidate will be able to recognize the benefits, limitations and contraindications of differing psychotherapeutic approaches (1.2).
  2. Be able to describe how each modality works, with its own “theory of change”. (1.2)
  3. Be able to choose which modality or modalities would be appropriate for a given patient, and be able to “identify situations in which referral or specialized treatment may benefit the patient”. (4.6)

After the seminar, the candidates will be asked to write a page of reflections about what they have learned, their sense of the significance of this content for their training and if possible clinical considerations from their own practices.

Required Readings

Margison, Frank & Brown, Phil. (2005). Chapter 1: Assessment in psychotherapy. In Seminars in the Psychotherapies (pp. 1-27). London: Royal College of Psychiatrists (Gaskell imprint).


Wedding, Danny & Corsini, Raymond. (2014). Current Psychotherapies (10th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Prochashka, James & Norcross, John. (2014). Systems of Psychotherapy: A Trans-theoretical Analysis (8th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

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