Presenter: Jan Abram, PhD
Saturday, November 19, 2022: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
TPS Scientific Meeting: Open to All
** DISTANCE PARTICIPATION ONLY – Registration deadline is one week prior to the meeting. Preregistration is required.
This presentation starts with an exploration of Winnicott’s paper ‘The Use of an Object’. This is followed by Abram’s interpretation that Winnicott’s late formulations offer psychoanalysis an alternative theory to the death instinct based on the early psychic relationship. The clinical example illustrates how the analyst made use of ‘the use of an object’ when a patient became violent in a difficult clinical encounter that was on the point of non survival.
Recommended Reading
- Winnicott, DW (1971) Playing and Reality Chapter 6
- Abram, J. ([2012]2013) DWW’s Notes for the Vienna Congress 1971: a consideration of Winnicott’s theory of aggression and an interpretation of the clinical implications Chapter 14 in Donald Winnicott Today
- Abram, J. (2022) The Surviving Object: psychoanalytic clinical essays on psychic survival-of-the-object New Library of Psychoanalysis, Routledge London and New York
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Understand Winnicott’s concept the use of an object and Abram’s advance on his theory.
Jan Abram, PhD
Training and supervising analyst of the British Psychoanalytical Society and in private practice in London. She is Visiting Professor of the Psychoanalysis Unit, University College London and currently Vice President of the European Psychoanalytic Federation. She is a Visiting Lecturer and supervisor at the Tavistock Clinic, London. In 2016 she was a Visiting Professor for the University of Kyoto, Japan, where she resided for a writing sabbatical. Since 2008 she has been a member of the Paris Group, a research group of the European Psychoanalytic Federation, and was its chair between 2016 and 2019.
Jan Abram has published several books and articles notably: The Language of Winnicott, first published in 1996 and judged Outstanding Academic Book of the Year in 1997 (2nd edition 2007 and translated into several languages; Classic Book PEP); Donald Winnicott Today (2013) for the New Library of Psychoanalysis (shortlisted for a Gradiva Award); and coauthored with R.D. Hinshelwood The Clinical Paradigms of Melanie Klein and Donald Winnicott: comparisons and dialogues (Routledge 2018).
In September 2021, she published: The Surviving Object: psychoanalytic clinical essays on psychic survival-of-the-object New Library, Routledge. She is presently working on a 2nd book with R.D. Hinshelwood – The Clinical Paradigms of Donald Winnicott and Wilfred Bion: comparisons and dialogues to be published by Routledge later this year.
This event is eligible for Section 1 CME credits (0.5 credits/hour). This event is an accredited group learning activity (section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certificate Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, approved by the Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA). The specific opinions and content of this event are not necessarily those of the CPA, and are the responsibility of the organizer(s) alone. As per the Royal College standard, each presentation provides a minimum of 25% interactive learning.
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