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SCIENTIFIC MEETING – The Savoir of the Analyst

SCIENTIFIC MEETING - The Savoir of the Analyst

Presenter: Mavis Himes

Wednesday, October 26, 2022: 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

TPS Scientific Meeting: Open to All

** DISTANCE PARTICIPATION ONLY – Registration deadline is one week prior to the meeting. Preregistration is required.

As originally conceived by Freud, psychoanalysis is a discipline founded in the field of the natural sciences. From its first conception, Lacan shifted the emphasis of this science of the unconscious from its mechanistic origins inscribed in the natural world to one grounded in the subjective play of signifiers and embedded in the fields of topology and mathematics. Within the Lacanian paradigm, the place of knowledge, as a foundational pivot of scientific theory has been re-elaborated and developed as a place of the known, the unknown and the unknowable. Knowledge, limited and limiting, is to be distinguished from the truth of each subject. This paper will discuss different notions of knowledge as they arise in the clinic, such as le sujet suppose savoir (the subject who knows) and the savoir-faire (know-how) of the analyst. Clinical vignettes will be used to highlight the place of invention, not knowledge, in the cure.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the concept of transference within the Lacanian paradigm and to recognize the position or place of the analyst as the addressee of the analysand.
  2. Discover the particular meanings of the term “knowledge” versus “truth” in the clinic.
  3. Learn the significance of “the invention of the new” versus “the repetition of the old” within an analytic cure.
Mavis Himes, PhD, CPsych

Psychoanalyst in private practice in Toronto. She is also clinical consultant at Wellspring, a cancer centre for patients and their families. Author of The Power of Names: Uncovering the Mystery of What We Are Called (Row-man & Littlefield, 2016) and The Sacred Body: A Therapist’s Journey (Stoddart, 2002), she has published numerous articles on Lacanian psychoanalysis. Dr. Himes was director of the former Speaking of Lacan Psychoanalytic Group, a Toronto-based forum dedicated to the study of Lacanian, psychoanalysis. She is a member of Apres-Coup Psychoanalytic Association (New York).

This event is eligible for Section 1 CME credits (0.5 credits/hour). This event is an accredited group learning activity (section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certificate Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, approved by the Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA). The specific opinions and content of this event are not necessarily those of the CPA, and are the responsibility of the organizer(s) alone. As per the Royal College standard, each presentation provides a minimum of 25% interactive learning.

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